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Welcome Message on Linux Systems

 Bored of the default advertisement banners? Let us see how to change the welcome message on most linux systems.

There are two ways the message is displayed

1. Before the password prompt
2. After the user is logged in


$ sudo nano /etc/


$ sudo nano /etc/motd

Simple Message for banner

This system is for authorized use only. All activities are logged and checked at frequent intervals. Unauthorized individuals attempting to connect to, port-scan, deface, hack, or otherwise interfere with any services on this system will be reported.

This will change the banner and the new users would see it. But will disappear when you reboot the system on AWS, Azure and other cloud as the update script will reset it to default. To make the banner permanent, disable the script at /usr/sbin/update-motd by,

$ sudo update-motd --disable


Open ssh config and enable banners

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Look for "Banner" and update as below

#Banner /etc/

Save the file and restart sshd. That is it..! Wait.. What..? Do you want even more fun? Let us Create ASCII Text Banners in Terminal

I have been using the below for quite sometime now,

figlet - a simple and near clu (command line utility) for creating ASCII texts
toilet - a sub-command used by figlet for creating colorful large characters from ordinary text

Feel free to use your default package manager to install FIGlet and TOIlet tools together as below

$ sudo apt install figlet toilet    [For Debian/Ubuntu]

$ sudo yum install figlet toilet  [For CentOS/RHEL]

$ sudo dnf install figlet toilet    [For Fedora 22+]

Go ahead, play with it.... type figlet Jesus


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| |_| |  __/\__ \ |_| \__ \

 \___/ \___||___/\__,_|___/

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