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Setting up your first RDS CAL Licensing

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is one of the roles under server roles provided by Microsoft Windows Server. What makes RDS different from a usual remote desktop connection is the the number of concurrent connections to the remote host. By default Windows enables only two concurrent session for a user to access a remote server using RDP. If you require many users to connect to a remote server (aka Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) ), you will to procure client access license (CAL) to achieve the same. We'll see how to provision this setup and their requirements.


  1. Active Directory Domain
  2. RDLS (Remote Desktop Licensing Server)
  3. License(s)
In this blog, I assume that you already have an active directory domain. Let us go ahead and look at how to setup RDLS.


Deployment of RDLS can be any member server on the active directory domain. It is not obligatory to put it on RDSH farms. Afore we commence the installation, we need to add the member server in which the RDLS role is targetted to a AD domain group called "Terminal Server License Servers". This will enable the RDLS server to issue RDS per user CAL to the users.

Step 1: Now, open the server manager -> Add Roles and Features > Server Roles and select "Remote Desktop Services"  to start configuring the member server as RDLS
install Remote Desktop Services role

Step 2: Additionally, select the "Feature" "Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser" as part of installation as only the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager console is installed by default installation. You can do this by Features -> Remote Server Administration Tools -> Role Administration Tools -> Remote Desktop Services Tools -> Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tools
install Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tool

Step 2: Leave the "Features" to default and click Next. Select "Remote Desktop Licensing" as the role service. Proceed to Confirmation and 
Remote Desktop Services Licensing service
Hold until the role is installed


Step 1: RDLS must be activated before it can start issuing licences to clients. To do so, open the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager from Tools on the server manager, right-click the name of your server and select Activate Server.
activa rds licensing server
The activation wizard will start. This is very much self explanatory where you need to specify the connection method and details about you and your organization. Click on Finish to complete the activation.
RDS license server automatic activation
rds license company info
rds license server has been successfully activated

If you want to review and verify the activation status of the server, you can do so by right-clicking the server name in the console and select Review Configuration
review rds activation info

Installing RDS CALs on the member server

Step1: After the purchase of license(s) by any available means, Right-click your server in Remote Desktop Licensing Manager and select Install Licenses.
installing rds CAL

Step 3: Select the activation method (automatic, online or by phone) and the license program (in this case, it is Enterprise Agreement).
rds cal - enterprise agreement

Step 4: Further steps of the wizard depends on the type of license program you have selected. In case of Enterprise Agreement, you must specify its number.
rds cal - agreement number

Step 5: Specify the product version (Windows Server 2019/2016), license type (RDS Per user CAL) and the number of licenses to be installed on the server.
select license type and number of RDS CALs

The server is now ready to issue client license(s).

Configuring GPO

To apply the settings domain wide while configuring RDSL parameters for RDSH session hosts via GPO, we need to create a new GPO and link it to the OU with RDS servers (or you can specify the name of the RDS licensing server using the local Group Policy editor – gpedit.msc). The RD licensing settings are located in the following GPO section: Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Admin Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Licensing 

There are 2 RD policies that needs to configure. They are,

Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers – the address of the License Server is set;
Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode – select RDS CAL license type.
gpo - Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers

RDSH hosts use the following ports to get RDS license from the Licensing server, make sure that they are not blocked by firewalls (or Windows Defender Firewall):
TCP/135 – Microsoft RPC;
UDP/137 – Net-BIOS Datagram Service;
UDP/138 – Net-BIOS Name Resolution;
TCP/139 – Net-BIOS Session Service;
TCP/445 – SMB;
TCP/49152–65535 – RPC dynamic address range


Confused about the type of license? Here is the pictorial representation.
Picture courtesy: newegg


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